Expense Management
Empower your customers save time and money when managing their expenses. Automatically categorize and sync expenses to multiple accounting platforms in real-time with write accounting integrations.

Sync expense data to accounting platforms in real-time
Expense management companies use Rutter to automate the creation and reconciliation of expenses by pulling accounts, classes, currency and subsidiaries for their customers’ accounting systems.
Used to create and link credit and debit accounts.
Purchases made by a business via prepaid card, credit card, bank or other asset.
Allow for seamless uploading of images and scanned bills for automated entry.
Vendors, Bills, Payments
Actions and contacts that the entity has purchased from.
Class, Customer, Location, Department
Categorizations used for financial reporting.
Journal entries
Represents the atomic transaction used in any accounting system.
Fast-track customer authentication
Create a native product experience with a white-labeled Rutter Link and establish bi-directional syncs via OAuth flows.

Explore how Notch financial, a leader in accounts receivable and accounts payable automation for the food and beverage industry, set out to simplify invoice payments and lower operational expenses.

"Building native integrations with QuickBooks ended up taking a really long time. We initially thought it would take 2 engineers a couple of months. It took at least 3 months and we iterated at least twice after. It took close to a year of development."

Sync data bi-directionally
Stop your customers from wondering how they’re spending their money. Sync expenses instantly to your customer’s general ledge without manual entry, read expense data and keep customers’ data up-to-date with a single source of truth.
Address expense nuances
Empower your customers with a detailed understanding of business nuances with granular data. Log department, class, and location of expenses. Support multiple currencies, refunds, and auto-map expenses to the appropriate objects across accounting platforms.
Add new integrations with speed and ease
Save time shipping and maintaining integrations. Easily debug and manage integration lifecycle with a comprehensive dashboard and observability tool.

Get up and running.
Building integrated products is hard. We can do that together. Let's chat.